Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Small Lifetime

I feel like it's been forever since I posted last.

All kinds of stuff to report. I am looking to buy a home (condo, but it would still be my home), I've now put depo #4 in the books, and my friend Sarah's birthday is tonight and we're going to a comedy club! Lots of good things.

The thing about the home is that I've been having sticker shock. I found one place that I could technically afford, but it would mean changing my lifestyle too much. So I've decided that it's not for me. I've shifted my thinking. I mean, I didn't start out in a Mercedes. I own a Pontiac. So why should I go for a Mercedes instead of a Pontiac when it comes to my first place. It's comfortably affordable. And I'm comfortable with that for the time being.

And I mean, it's still huge. I'm 30, a lawyer at a kick ass firm, and am buying my first home. And I'm even doing it on my own - no husband, not being handed the place by rich parents. It's going to be MINE. I'm excited about that.

Alright, back to work. :-)

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