Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Meant To Say It Before!!

So, I was painfully aware that the Bar exam was currently taking place. I really meant to wish you luck before it happened! Some of you I wish more luck to than others, as some of you will surely be [I deleted my rant]. But I wish to those of you who are particularly deserving that this time be YOUR time. I wish luck for you because the only difference between passing and not passing is sheer luck. So...LUCK!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Go Time

As I have more and more anxiety lately, I can't help but think that it's somehow related to the Bar exam by some sort of osmosis of sympathy pain or something.

I have an arbitration coming up July 20-22 and can't help but think of the similarities to the Bar exam. It's 3 days. It's full days. It's all or nothing at the end. It requires a LOT of writing. It involves a lot of judgment by others. And the fact that it's three days toward the end of July is an eerie and scary coincidence or twist of fate, especially since it was nearly exactly one year ago that a three day stint in July that allowed me to become a lawyer in the first place. I'm kind of freaking out.

Anyway, I know that it doesn't compare to the freak-out-edness that those who are sitting for the Bar feel. Trust me - if anyone knows, I know. I've been there not once, not twice, but three times. I'm an expert Bar taker, not like one of those people who could be sued because they take it just to steal bits of information away to companies to try to give an advantage to exam-takers. I'm a more authentic expert - I know the fear and how it affects you. Hell, I even took (and passed!) it during an earthquake.

For both of us, it's go time. Time to perform, get in the zone, whatever BS platitude cliche you choose. Whatever floats your boat. I just need to focus on what worked then and reapply it now.

Let's go get 'em, team!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I have to wonder who the "f" some people think they are. Yeah, I am referring to someone specific, but I'm not going to go into details. It's not worth it. Suffice to say that this person (1) wouldn't understand or be able to spell the word "suffice," and (2) has an intelligence score that hovers around this person's shoe size. A$$hole...