Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Gifts

A friend of mine should I say this tactfully...expensive tastes when it comes to her Christmas list. I've teased her about it and even commented on her blog, though for some reason my comment does not appear on her blog. Hmm.

Anyhoo, it got me thinking about the kinds of things that I would like for Christmas. I would actually like a boyfriend. I've been emailing with two of my lawyer friends and said it shouldn't be too difficult to find a decent guy who makes his own money, is intelligent, isn't threatened by the fact that I'm a lawyer, and isn't looking for a stick thin, brain dead Barbie doll. It "shouldn't be" too difficult. Yeah. Right. Then again, I also don't know where to look. I don't want to find a guy in a bar. How many meaningful relationships do you know of that start in a bar? Exactly.

I would really like things that can't be purchased. I would really like the 9th Circuit to grant my client's appeal of the judge's decision to grant MSJ against her, but that might be a year or so away. I would really like the defendant to not oppose my fee petition in my arbitration - that probably won't happen but could happen (if the stars align and God smiles on me), and that could actually happen by Christmas. I would like to have my own place, but no one is going to come up with $15k a year for an apartment (on the very low end out here) or $400k for a condo (again on the very low end) for me to have digs.

Oh! This just in! Apparently Tiger Woods just admitted to cheating on his website. Everyone should learn the lesson from David Letterman - get ahead of the scandal if possible. Take the power out of the tsunami. Just my two cents.

Anyway, back to my post.

So I'm looking for a decent guy for Christmas. No need to even put him under the tree. In his car, in a restaurant, in an office, somewhere else is fine.