Sunday, January 23, 2011

2 Years And Counting

I guess it's time for a little reflection. Just over 2 years ago, I was sworn in as a lawyer. Some days it feels like an eternity ago, others it feels like only last week.

I suppose I should take stock of the things that have been part of my life for the last two years. A dear, dear friend and I had battles of atomic proportions, but now he and I are closer than we've ever been. My bff got engaged to a man I'm not convinced is good enough for her. (It's not necessarily any fault of his - I don't know if anyone would be good enough for her.) I have a case on appeal to the 9th Circuit. I joined a firm, lost a couple MSJ oppositions, won roughly 10. I've worked with clients who are truly grateful and deserving and others who are self-centered ingrates. For those who are selfish and ungrateful, I try to focus on the fact that I'm still doing justice. Those who are humble and grateful remind me that the job is still worth doing.

A friend has a daughter who is growing by the minute, and another was married and is now pregnant with her first. Alas, I am still unmarried and without a family.

I've had unusual and scary health issues.

I admit that I've neglected myself and have killed myself trying to get more work done. I also admit that I'm pretty much done doing that. My health and my body are more important than that. I need to listen to her more often and we'll both be better off.

I suppose that's all I've got for now. All in all, I am a very proud and lucky lawyer. That's what I've learned in the last two years.