Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lap Dances and Life Advice

I am grateful each and every Sunday for my S Factor class. ( I get to see my sisters, my friends, women who are supportive of me, don't judge, and who encourage and uplift me. So I'm really looking forward to go to class tonight. My legs are sore from last night's lap dance class, but still really looking forward to it.

I'm likewise looking forward to a light lunch and fabulous conversation with my friend/mentor tonight. She's fun, spunky, and a little ball of fire. She's a wonderful example of what a human being should be. I can't wait to see her. She invited me to her home and I can't wait to enjoy her hospitality. She's also a lawyer but is winding down her practice. She's more of a life mentor to me than a legal one, and that's just fine with me. She is so giving and insightful. I can't wait!

Hope the rest of you are having as good a time as I will be!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Like a Divorce?

A dear, dear friend of mine (with whom I commiserated on many occasions about the stupid Bar exam) is gearing up to take it yet again this month. Bless his heart, I think this is attempt number 8. And it got me thinking about how he's essentially married to the Bar exam. Stuck in a loveless, unhealthy, passive-aggressive marriage. He needs to just make up his mind that the exam doesn't need him, that his blog followers don't need him, and that he's far better off without her ("her" being the Bar exam). Just be done with her, I say. You can then move on and be married to a job, one where you start out with rocky times but then develop into a loving and supportive relationship, one where you can flourish and grow. I just feel like he's being stifled by this damn exam, tethered to a sinking ship.

Just crush it this time and be done! Break a leg, friend.