Sunday, August 10, 2008


I have a lot of frustrations lately. I'm frustrated that the price for my airline tickets went up by like 50 bucks in 2 days (and I'm additionally frustrated that it's not my fault that it took my dad 2 days to get back to me). I'm frustrated that people are buggin' my friend N. She's a good person and people should not take advantage of her. I'm frustrated that C and I can't go get notsos and chili. I'm frustrated that I can't afford to go see my friends in Michigan, Utah, Seattle, etc. I'm frustrated that I had to change offices (and now I have no window). I'm frustrated that I want to lose weight but have no will power.

I'm mostly frustrated with the entire bar process. After telling my mother that the MBE seemed really hard and I don't know/am not confident that I passed, instead of reassuring me or telling me to have faith, she instead asked when I could register to take it in February. Thanks, mom. And I'm frustrated that it takes freaking 4 months to get results. And I'm frustrated at that stupid executive powers essay question.

And I don't want to do laundry, but I have to.

I guess I need to take stock, get a little perspective. I just got a really awesome raise at work (though my hours got cut), I may have an interview at an employment law firm (which is what I want, but would be less money), I have awesome friends who are so supportive throughout all my messes, and so many people have it so much worse than I do. I should shut up and feel grateful. I'm working on it, and I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Christine said...

There's my girl! But we will get through this. And if nothing else, we will finally learn who absolutely supports us and who doesn't.

Also, really, we need a vacay. The destination will definitely require rock paper scissors, though.