Friday, August 15, 2008

When I Was One

One year after I was born, the number one song was "Physical" by Olivia Newton John. I remember thinking how unbelievably cheesy that music video was when I first saw it. And it got me flashing back to the days of youth. I specifically remember braided sweat/headbands, leg warmers, wearing several pairs of socks, Guess jeans, Mili Vanili, "Ice Ice Baby," and thinking that Bush the First wasn't doing such a bad job.

Then I grew up, well, at least as much as I wanted to grow up, and now am wearing Baby Phat jeans, not wearing headbands, sweatbands, legwarmers, and don't usually wear socks (mostly flip flops). My music choices are quite eclectic, even if it's not nearly as...uh..."unique" as my female friend C's taste in music.

How different would my life have been had just a couple things been different in my life? If my parents had stayed married, I'm sure one or both of them would have poisoned the other. What if I went into biology instead of law? What if I had never been attacked by a dog when I was little? What if...? Ah well.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. My male friend C and I are having dinner and seeing Mama Mia. We were supposed to do it last weekend with N, but plans fell through. Now N can't join us, but that's okay. We'll meet up with her again another time.

And today is my ex's birthday. He's 32. It made me think: I've known him for nearly half my life. How different would my life be if I hadn't given guys like him a chance? He knows he's not George Clooney, but he has a good heart. On the other hand, he does do a lot of karaoke. But that's E, and I hope he has a fabulous birthday.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Hey! I have EXCELLENT taste in music, I'll have you know! :)