Monday, May 4, 2009

Brain Tumors and Bar Results

While I'm not awaiting bar results again (thank God!), I am going to have a brain scan/MRI tomorrow. They don't usually have a doctor to read those scans immediately, so there will probably be some waiting to be done. And the scan starts at 7 p.m., assuming it starts on time, so I have no idea whether or not there would even be someone there that I could grab and gently urge (read "force") to read it for me.

So it got me thinking about the gamut of things it could be. Of course, brain tumor tops the list. Then again, the inherently sarcastic and distrustful part of me (is there any other part? really?) let my mind wander and think about the twisted and outside possibility that it was some sick experiment by a law professor or bar examiner to place a chip in my brain and it has ever since been festering and is now causing excruciating pain. I know it's a long shot, but it would be a great story to tell the grand kids, wouldn't it?

For those of you who are awaiting bar results, especially those of you who are awaiting a repeat set, I feel for you. No one feels your pain, perhaps even quite literally, more than me. I didn't get nervous this last time until about a few days before results, and then the day results came out I was a hot mess. I was such a mess that I couldn't even click the "check your results" button after I had entered my information. My niece did it. Thank God it ended well. I wouldn't have wanted her to see how shattered I would have been if I hadn't passed...again.

Two seemingly unrelated things that oddly go extremely well together. Brain tumors and bar results. Chocolate and peanut butter. Sex and candy (listen to the song).

I can't wait to go to my friend's wedding. By then, I will either have started chemo or will have had a spinal tap (to relieve some of the pressure caused by excess spinal fluid on my brain). Either way, good times!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your scan gives you a diagnosis of something that is easily cured. However, if the diagnosis is cancer you may want to read up on Dr. Tullio Simoncini. He is an oncologist who has treated different types of cancers successfully without chemotherapy. I would suggest you read about it. He is Roman but the website is in English.