Monday, November 2, 2009

Cranky as Job Requirement

I think it's either an unspoken job requirement or something that befalls you once you become a court clerk, at least at lower levels, that you're cranky. I called a court clerk this morning because traffic was unholy and I was going to be late (which, if you know anything about me, you know I consider nearly unforgivable), and I started calling at 8:20. The Court opens at 8:30, but I wanted to give them as much forewarning as possible. It's the least I could do for my transgression. So the clerk answered the phone and I started to explain when she cut me off and said "Uh, you know the Court doesn't open until 8:30...wait, hold on, the other line is ringing..." I was as polite as humanly possible because I know how (terrifyingly) much power the clerks have, but seriously? If you don't want to start working until 8:30, don't pick up any of the phones! And I fell all over myself thanking her for taking my call and again when I got there. But do all clerks have to be cranky? This is a common thread I've seen. I know they have a very hard job and most attorneys that they deal with are jack asses. I fully acknowledge this. But it doesn't mean you have to be cranky. Try being sarcastic. Or punchy. Or sugary sweet. That might scare people. I appreciate you and all that you do, believe me. You have saved my tail on more than one occasion. But I've always been grateful and professional. Share that with me, huh?

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