Monday, February 1, 2010

Another Year Older

It's been two months since my last post. It feels like a confession. The thing is that I have stopped using my laptop as my primary mode of computer use and use my office a lot. So much has happened - Christmas was kind of a nightmare, 3 oppositions to MSJ's, New Year's was challenging to say the least, my birthday came and went, my best friend didn't send me a birthday card (but her mother did), and a good family friend passed away on Saturday so I will be going to her funeral tomorrow. Oh yeah, and I was hit by a hit and run driver and my mom has a hairline fracture in her arm and I had a few discs and my hip pushed out of place. I'm taking my car into the shop today to get it fixed.

I think you're pretty much caught up now. Another year older but am I wiser? Is anyone? I think I've certainly learned some legal lessons, but I'll be damned if I know what lesson I'm supposed to learn from 4 people who have touched my life dying within the span of a year.

Running late to get my car to the shop. Please drive safely! Who knows what kind of wackos are out there...

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