Saturday, June 19, 2010

So You're a Lawyer...Now What?

I spent an astronomical amount of time and energy (both mental and physical) trying to get through law school without downing a handful of pills, and then encountered the exact same sentiments when I failed the Bar. Not the first time because I honestly didn't deserve to pass, but the second time, when I missed passing by a gnat's eyelash (or, in translation, LESS than one [expletive] MBE question - and no, I don't know how that's possible). That was the worst feeling I think I've ever encountered. I deserved it and didn't get it.

So I'm a lawyer now and I'm spending a crazy amount of time and energy trying to be a "good" one. I'm putting in hours that would terrify the average person. I'm now a regular at my dry cleaner's with all the suits and business shirts for court appearances and depositions. I asked for more responsibility, and boy have they responded, hence the frequent trips to the dry cleaner. And I'm pretty sure I can blame the hours I work on neglecting my blog.

So I took stock of what else I was neglecting and realized when I stepped on the scale yesterday at the doctor's office that it's ME that I've been neglecting. My blood pressure is excellent, cholesterol is fantastic, everything is great except my weight. I've never been this heavy in my life. So I decided to take positive steps towards health. Am I scared, you say? Terrified. I am afraid I can't do this. I'm afraid I'll fail, give up, walk away, and someday hit 300 pounds. Success is what motivates me and failure is what terrifies me, so you can see how this would be conducive to a total meltdown, especially since I have an opposition to a motion for summary adjudication due Tuesday. Yikes.

But I decided to start today. I signed up with a weight loss program and wrapped my mind around doing it. And my BFF has been so supportive that I could give her an open-mouthed kiss. The first week will undoubtedly be the hardest and I know I'll be cranky. But what's a week of cranky compared to feeling better? So here goes! Wish me luck.

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