Saturday, December 13, 2008


Being a lawyer is expensive. I'm going to get insurance through a company that has a graduated premium for the first few years of practice. Year one is $500. Otherwise, it would be something like $3,000-$4,000 per year. Cost prohibitive? Yep.

Dues are $410 for the state bar. The piece of paper with the gold seal from the CA Supreme Court is another $69, plus I have to buy a frame.

I also just bought a PO box so that my home address wouldn't be available for everyone to see on the state bar's website. Since I don't yet have an office address, I can't have it sent there.

I'm also going to get business cards made up. Those will be pricey, I'm sure.

While it's expensive, I'm still overjoyed about finally being a lawyer. Today, I made an agreement with a friend who's been practicing for about 6 years. I'm going to co-counsel with him on 2 cases. I'm so excited! First client meeting is a week from today. And I'll get to sign my own filings, my own letters, my own almost everything. It makes me nervous, but the nerves are a touch reassuring. I mean, if I wasn't nervous, it would mean I was overly confident. While I believe I'm competent, I know there is a LOT that I don't know. And it's very reassuring that I'm working with such an amazing attorney who REALLY knows what he's doing. He has such a great reputation in the community for his precision.

I'm also getting a payoff statement on my car. With any kind of luck, I'll have the title before the end of the year.

Here's hoping the rest of my day goes as smoothly!

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