Sunday, December 21, 2008

Who Else Has Had Enough?

It seems that everywhere I go, I hear my mother's favorite Christmas song. Feliz Navidad. It's almost as annoying as...wait...I can't think of ANYTHING more annoying than that stupid song. It reminds me of the USC fight song. It's the same 3 notes over and over again. And that song says the same 9 words over and over and over and over again.

As Christmas approaches, I get more and more ready for it to be over. Work is really slow right now, which means I'm not making nearly as much money as I'd like, and it gives me more time to hear 24 hours of Christmas music. I have to wrap my gifts, but other than that, I'm pretty ready for Christmas to be here and done with already.

Don't get me wrong. I believe in God, and especially this year, I am 100% certain He's been working in my life. I mean, how else do you explain me passing the bar this time? But my religion is generally private. And I have to wonder how many of these songbirds on the radio actually have a relationship with the God they're singing about. Especially like Whitney Houston. I mean, how faithful and religious can you be when you've got a coke habit?

Anyway, I'm just ready for it to be over, you know what I'm saying?

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