Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Quit!

I Quit:
  1. Wasting time on former friends who have become people I don't want to know any more.
  2. Worrying about the insignificant.
  3. Being secretive of my America's Next Top Model obsession.
  4. Being intimidated by other lawyers - I'm just as competent as they are, even if I'm not yet as experienced.
  5. Answering the phone when it's an "unidentified" or "blocked" number.
  6. Feeling obligated to be nice to people that I don't have to be nice to.
  7. Neglecting my headaches and being scared to go see a neurologist.
  8. Second-guessing the quality of my work (see number 4).
  9. Letting anyone dictate how I spend my time.
  10. Letting anyone walk on me or take advantage of me without appropriate consequences.

Hopefully I'll be able to quit my non-attorney (clerk) job soon. I have an interview next week, and I know of another firm that is hiring. I want so badly to be an attorney already. I know I have 2 cases of my own right now (one of which will be litigated in federal court despite our best efforts), but I want a full-time attorney job. I want a job where I work 40 or more hours per week at just that one job. While I am very happy with my hourly wage, since I only work maybe 20 hours per week, it makes it far less than I would like to be bringing in. Here's hoping!

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