Thursday, February 12, 2009


So I had every intention of going to the gym tonight. We all know I was on the road to hell, right? Paved with good intentions? Yep. Guess who didn't go to the gym? But, count yourself blessed because you get to read this post instead! Um, I know you're thinking I should have gone to the gym. Whatever.

I picked up this month's copy of Glamour magazine, and on the cover was how you can lose weight just by sleeping more! So I'm not really cheating on my going to the gym since I plan on hitting the sheets early tonight. I'm really giving my body a benefit, right? Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.

So in this month's Glamour there's a mini-story entitled "Is He Wired to Cheat? Are You?" In it, some researchers are saying that it may be a combination of nurture and/or nature that makes someone cheat. The nurture part is for people who didn't grow up having nurturing relationships with their parents. The nature part is that some men with a specific gene variant were twice as likely to stray.

Whilst I firmly believe there is a fat gene (not to be confused with "fat jeans), I sincerely doubt there is a gene that makes men put their...uh..."thing" in another person. Really? There is a biological component to being cruel to a significant other by having sex with another person? No. I may buy into the idea that a certain gene may make a person less inhibited or affect their brain function controlling self-control. But make them cheat? No. I believe my genes make me biologically prone to retaining fat, and maybe it influences my craving for exceptionally tasty goodies. But my genes sure as hell don't make me put the cheeseburger in my mouth! And it's irresponsible for someone to claim that "science made him do it." What a joke.

So I got to thinking about a friend of mine who doesn't believe in monogamy. I believe firmly in the right of two (or more) consenting adults to do what they want in the privacy of their own space. Maybe it's my genes that make me far less inclined to stray in a relationship. Who knows?

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