Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day Off?

I awoke this morning not feeling well at all. My stomach was very upset. So I called out. Since then, I've been called and have billed time. I'm working on a set of interrogatories right now that is very long and repetitive. But my stomach is still upset, and I'm not looking forward to still doing work.

After taking a couple tummy-settling pills, I went to look at an office space. Wow, it's so pretty. It's got blond wood furniture, clean work areas, privacy, and all the bells and whistles I need (in addition to a lot that are superfluous but still cool). It has a large window, and even though it's overlooking the top of the parking structure, the mountains are in the distance and are really beautiful. There has to be a story in there somewhere, you know? Look past the shortcomings and look at the beauty. The snow on the mountains is beautiful. I love it, and while it's a bit more than I wanted to spend, it's still within where I need to spend. Especially since it's furnished, it works out to be where my budget is.

I'm just nervous since it's a big step, especially since I've only been a lawyer for 2 months and 8 days. But I absolutely have to try something. I have to. This is the brass ring and I'm not about to let it pass me by.

So I'm going to get back to billing time so that I can afford the pretty pretty office! It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes, and leap.

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