Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tired of It All

I'm tired of working, tired of being poked fun at because I'm fat, tired of staying up late, tired of this project, tired of the weather staying this warm, tired of living with my mom, tired of not having bar results, tired of taking the bar, tired of obsessing about bar results, tired of having a budget, tired of my car payments, tired of being unfairly criticized, tired of my loan payments, tired of some of my law school friends not calling (why should I always call them and they don't call me?), tired of the cat litter box, tired of missing America's Next Top Model, tired of having hair on my legs, underarms, bikini line, etc., tired of intelligent people defending Sarah Palin (which I won't ever understand), tired of Obama trying to be a stand-up comic/politician, tired of Bush (but aren't we all?), tired of not having a life while simultaneously having too much to do (explain that one!)...I think it's time for bed.

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