Monday, November 17, 2008


I'm going to get my bar results alone this time. First time, my mom was there. And she was useless. I don't want to talk about it.

Second time, I had my BFF C on the phone. We're still trying to decide which one of us was more shocked to see that I hadn't passed. I think it might actually be her, since every time she and I spoke (when I picked up the phone, that is), I had been studying. I averaged about 7-10 hours per day. It was unholy. And I am still pissy at those people who say that God had a lesson for me to learn when I failed, especially by the minuscule margin that I did. (For those who don't know, I missed passing by .00085 out of 2000 points. Yes, it sucks worse than you thought.)

So I'm facing this demon alone this time. Wish me luck!


Christine said...

All right, I'll let you have that, but if my phone doesn't ring by 8:05 my time, I'll be really worried.

I love you!

Liz&Paul said...

Sending TONS of good luck vibes your way! I never read your blog before (linked from Grand Poobah) but I'm crossing my fingers for you. Fill us in when you get the good news!

Noelle Garcia said...

you were never alone...i was always watching over you. NRG