Saturday, November 8, 2008

"Worst Case Scenario"

Here's the thing: no good can come from bar results.

Granted, I may be a tad bitter about my most recent set. Maybe. (Sense writer's sarcasm here.) But I wonder what will happen when I pass.

A firm about an hour south and east of where I live has recruited me to fill the gap left by the lawyer who handled most of the firm's employment discrimination practice. I am so flattered and honored. So he asks if I'm still interested in speaking with him. Hell yeah! He also is a mediator, which I LOVE. I would love to eventually transition into a mediation practice. And he could really help guide me with that.

He asked if I still want to speak with him. Uh, yeah! Here's the thing: I won't have bar results for roughly two more weeks (see prior post if you believe I don't know EXACTLY how long it is until I can check the website). I certainly don't want to waste his time. He needs a lawyer, and I'll know in 2 weeks whether or not I can fill his needs. So I told him so.

He said, "even assuming worst case scenario, would you consider working part time while studying?" Ouch. My fears are manifested in his language. What would I do I don't pass again? How could I face my colleagues? How can I face myself?

Not passing is absolutely the worst case scenario. I'm nauseous. Bright side? At least the nausea makes me not want to eat. And since I'm already down 10.5 pounds and counting, a little nausea goes a long way.

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