Friday, November 21, 2008


Thank you to everyone who is wishing me well. I apologize for not visiting your sites, but it usually ended in a panic attack (see last post), so I've avoided it.

I'm holding up better than expected today, so far at least. I hope you are too. And prayerfully, hopefully, cosmically (?) we'll all pass because we are capable, competent attorneys. Keep up the good work, keep the "faith," and we can get through this together.

Best of luck, and I appreciate your kind words and support more than you know.

1 comment:

Noelle Garcia said...

you are so funny...yes holding a rabbits foot works, me crossing my fingers and eyes works and of course, prayer works...that is why the division between church and state is so hard...everytime we take a test we have to know what I'm talking about...hahaha. love you and can only post so many times before you realize you won't read all of them. see ya later tonight my ESQ friend. xoxo NRG