Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Why Bar Graders Continued

I very much valued the in-class time, and think that the essays were the perfect compliment and practical element. But the in-class people are excellent, willing to answer your questions, and will talk to you in a real way. If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't have taken BarBri. Ever. It's a ripoff for anyone who doesn't learn effectively on their own. I would recommend Bar Passers as a substantive course (my score went up by 50 raw points), and, if you can afford it, at least 20 essays and one in-class Bar Graders seminar. It may be overkill, but I would also throw in the John Holtz class.

1 comment:

Flo said...

Bar Graders is EXCELLENT! As is John Holtz - his one day workshop blew me away, and I expect the three day is even better. I 100% second those recommendations.

Also, for all of you out there studying for the Feb 2009 CBX, I came across something that worked for me and may work for you too. Its a recording that uses sound technology to heighten focus and retention, while walking you through an active visualization to boost confidence and dispel exam anxiety. There is a free trial Monday night December 8th in the Los Angeles area. For more info, email:

Best of luck & hang in there - you can do this!!!!